Help pick my trio

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OtterRock, Mar 3, 2023.

  1. OtterRock

    OtterRock New Member

    Being torn by a couple trio options. I'll most likely be casual and new to server so have no Plat at the moment. Would like to avoid enc charm. Also, would like to eventually dungeon crawl and kill some big named mobs... lastly, would like to main bard.

    1. War Clr Brd
    All plate (fashion quest win) and low APM
    2. Pal Dru Brd
    Would the dps be significantly higher than #1?
    3. Bst Dru Brd
    Worried that this would be high APM...
    4. Rng Clr Brd
    Likely higher dps than #1 but guessing I'd regret not having a real plate tank later.

    Thank you!!!
  2. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    War CLR bard probably best to kill big named of the options
  3. Auyster

    Auyster People Like Me

  4. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    If you want to focus on the bard, I might suggest something like bard / druid / mage. The bard can pull and take hits, but can't hold aggro very well. The druid can heal the bard with zero-hate heals at level 58+. Until then, the mage pet will usually generate enough hate to keep the mob you're fighting stuck to the pet and, by extension, stuck to the bard tank who's standing next to the pet. That trio has good DPS, good heals, good tanking, excellent utility, and ultimate mobility.
    Break, Tecmos.Deception and Frosst like this.
  5. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    (I think with melee / healer / bard, you'll end up focusing most of your attention on the melee. That doesn't sound like what you're looking for.)
  6. OtterRock

    OtterRock New Member

    Pithy you think Warrior will take a lot of attention?
  7. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    Opinions vary, but I find it takes a fair amount of attention to keep a melee positioned appropriately as players and pets push mobs around. Many people dislike playing more than one melee character for that reason. Which is fine in a melee / healer / bard trio, as long as you're okay playing the bard like a caster rather than a melee. Stand back, sing songs, watch the beefcakes beefcake.
  8. Mukk

    Mukk People Like Me

    A low-APM trio if you're maining a bard isn't a thing though... ;)

    I'd definitely stick a DPS class in the 3rd spot. Something with a pet ideally, like Pithy mentioned. And you'll prefer druid CH, because of the low aggro, and bard's inability to generate good aggro.

    My main trio is bard/druid/chanter, level 61. I did the bard-tank thing while levelling, and as long as you focus on ac/hp gear, you'll do fine. Druid heals are super-dicey for a while in the 50's until you get the druid-CH, but if you heal early and make sure whatever you're killing is slowed, you'll be ok.

    DS song amplified is the way to go. Charm adds for a quick pet and extra damage while finishing the first mob. The best drum and chants will out aggro melee, but it takes a bit of time to get them all running, and sometimes just swinging at the mob will get its attention quicker... Just depends.
    pivoo and Pithy like this.
  9. Gindainy

    Gindainy Well-Known Member

    If you want to go for named kills, War/Clr/Brd is going to be your best bet. It's going to be APM intensive, but it will give you the best chance for trophy kills out of those proposed trios.
  10. Smudge

    Smudge People Like Me

    Keep in mind, those suggesting War are referencing a decently raid geared warrior for trophy kills.
  11. Gindainy

    Gindainy Well-Known Member

    For sure. But even for killing some named and such in lower level dungeons I still think warrior is best. Defensive is OP.
  12. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    brd/dru/bst will let you level quickly, and give you access to nearly everything. It will also be easier to gear up than having multiple plates. This is my top recommendation if you are set on creating a non-charm trio.

    brd/dru/SK for ultimate DS pump trio. I play this trio a lot and it tends to work well.

    brd/clr/war for "I like pulling, but I need something to kill what I pull". This trio is slow, but can kill big things.

    brd/dru/wiz for quad kiting and mez-nuking. I don't like this playstyle myself, but some folks do. If you like kiting and quadding this could be for you.

    All that is to say if you want to main a bard consider playing the bard solo. Bards can solo 1-65 faster than any other class, and slot in with other trios very well. Even if another trio has a bard you can pull with yours and double everyone's exp. If you're boxing you won't experience what it's really like to play a bard.

    You could also simply duo with a druid box (for ports, heals when you need them, DS, nukes between mezzes, etc.). Druids have the most synergy with bards, especially with their aggroless CHes. I duo'd Kunark dragons with Dru/Brd back in the days when killing them with a trio was still an accomplishment. That pair can get away with a lot, and you don't have to swap away from your bard too much while playing it.
    pivoo, Ripwind, Jalir_D and 2 others like this.
  13. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    Are you set on bard? For low APM trios that can tackle a lot of content, I think PAL / SHM / DPS is the way to go. Paladin can single pull just about anything. Shaman can slow and heal. Just get PAL and SHM level and then DPS can do all the work after.

    I do NEC for my DPS but that's kind of high APM ultimately. Maybe WIZ, ROG, or MAG would be better for low APM.
    pivoo likes this.
  14. Civenge

    Civenge Member

    Rogue can be pretty low APS once you get mobs in position and set up a macro in game to assist and another for backstab backstab.
    Pithy and pharmakos like this.
  15. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    Yeah you can get I think 5 backstabs in a single macro using /pause on each line? Have the rogue autofollow the tank and you don't even need to switch screens to keep in position.
    Pithy likes this.