Giggles while transferring UI's between Mac to PC...

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by Jugo!, Feb 21, 2018.

  1. Jugo!

    Jugo! People Like Me

    I'm mostly failing so far, but some unintentional giggles were to be had.
    Cool, right?! Actual size of the EQ window however:

    Was NOT intended. Was using exactly the same eqclient file from my OSX computer in my transfer of UI files and whatnot to my PC laptop.
    Is that TINY OR WHAT?? How did we play like this in 1999/2000!? I have no idea what is causing this, but it's amusing and replicable with the previously mentioned file I transfer from my Mac cpu, which does NOT do this on my OSX cpu. It's 100% normal on there. Note that in this UI, the "Pet Attack" hotkey I normally have in 2 vanished completely in this UI!

    It's looking like I'll have to redo all of my hotkeybinds and various eqclient settings for my laptop :(
    Asteria likes this.
  2. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Stone UI is not supported on PC. It does not resize correctly. And you will crash often.

    Asteria likes this.
  3. Jugo!

    Jugo! People Like Me

    Yea- but it wasn't intentional. I use a normal player made/customized Po2 UI on my OSX cpu. Somehow the stone UI just randomly showed up for me when I was directly copy/pasting my eqclient.ini file.
  4. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    If you change ur resolution and alt-enter in and out. You can sometimes get stone UI working better. I have got it full screen on highest rez. Making it use the native monitor resolution for high rez mode is one of those things i wanted to try someday.
  5. Jugo!

    Jugo! People Like Me

    Interesting! 1 chat window would kill it for me, though. I could even live with 6 hotkeys.
  6. Kaeril

    Kaeril Member

    Are we talking about the Classic UI? I'm using it on my PC on a regular basis. I never could make it work on anything higher than 640x480 though, but hey, it's a legit resolution from that era... I've yet to seen it crash. I've been told it should be a-okay as long as you avoid raiding. As long as I can have it in fullscreen, I'm fine with it. Reading through the single chatbox in action is definitely a sport on its own.
    Asteria likes this.
  7. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Thx for not posting your search history on those screenshots fang
    Jugo! likes this.
  8. lurari

    lurari People Like Me

    Steve Jobs, from the grave, is punishing you for abandoning the true platform.
    Asteria, Kaeril and Bum like this.
  9. Jugo!

    Jugo! People Like Me

    True platform= 10.6.4 for my regular AK/TAKP cpu. No longer supported on TAKP!
    (Edit: Well, it runs fine, but can't use the new spiffy Launchers. I'm fine with that, however.)
  10. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    The launcher Speedz codes does not work with it. That particular launcher does not support older mac os.

    There are other launcher options that work fine with 10.6.4.

  11. lurari

    lurari People Like Me

    Asteria likes this.