Serverwide Mayong Mistmoore Raids

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Inacht, Dec 21, 2021.

  1. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    It would actually make the event easier. Have you been to it?
  2. necra

    necra People Like Me

    How are you getting 72 toons in a raid
  3. Smudge

    Smudge People Like Me

    Yes. Yes I have. I beg to differ that only allowing 72 characters to engage would make this easier than 300 though. However, in the interest of not turning this into RnF I’ll just stop. I can’t win anymore loot from him this reset anyway, though I’ll still show up for fun
  4. Smudge

    Smudge People Like Me

    Sorry been in PoP flag mode.
  5. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    The anti-zerginess of the encounter was kind of the intent. I think that's good design in a game with little to no restrictions on raid sizes.

    If you invite the entire server to attend, you can't be mad if 150 people show up.
    Foxboxx and Linkamus like this.
  6. Radda

    Radda People Like Me

    wait.. you won loot this year and now prefer solo guild attempts?
    did i read this right?
    i like that i have a fair couple of shots every year at the item i want most then every 7 years max
    (redacted statement)
  7. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    Some thoughts:

    -Maybe limit attendees to single boxes?
    -Maybe (from dev side) give each guild a token that can be used to spawn MM, so each guild can trigger and take their own shot with their own rules?
  8. Smudge

    Smudge People Like Me

    I did win loot, I don't prefer solo guild attempts, I prefer a more spirited challenge and intentional loot distribution. Do I think my alt SK deserves the only MM Sword in existence on TAKP right now? Not really no. Did I roll well within the defined loot distribution? Yes. Am I happy I have it? Sure, shiny pixels are cool, rare shiny pixels are even cooler.
  9. Inacht

    Inacht People Like Me

    Unless the spawn of MM is altered to be faster, manually spawned, or spawned via an obtainable turnin, it is possible to kill MM three times in a reset. It looks like he may spawn instantly on server reset, which I was not aware of myself before this year.

    Under our rotational system, that would mean that if we used a by spawn rotation with the current raid force count of 6, each raid could expect one night of attempts every 2 years, with the expectation that some kills windows would fall on Christmas eve, Christmas day, New Years Eve, and New Years Day. Under the standard by reset rotation, each raid force will be able to attempt 3 MM kills every 6 years. Of course, if the number of raiding guilds grows, these times would extend further into the future.

    So, these serverwide raids represent a compromise in terms of accessibility to the mob as well as loot, and are an adaptation to the rather difficult reality presented by a mob being available for only 2 weeks a year during the holiday season.

    I understand that there has been some agonizing over the loot rules, and who justly deserves to win items, and other qualifications. These loot rules are a result of discussion and agreement between the 6 raid forces to provide a fair a shot at all present players including unguilded players and players in small guilds that do not raid as possible. For clarity, there was never any discussion about restricting certain items to certain classes - this was simply not brought up by anyone, and I did not think of it. I do not think it would be fair for me to present these loot rules and then prevent any player who won an item based on unstated metrics.

    We have one more kill scheduled on Tuesday, January 4th at 9pm est. If you attend, please do so with the expectation that MM will drop 4 items and that each item will be rolled on by a great number of people.

    On January 5th PoP will be released and we will all be rushing around, bouncing off the walls as we get our spells, levels, flags, AA's and enjoy some (old) new content. Soon enough there will be new weapons, focus effects, clickies and other party favors for folks to enjoy.

    Personally I would love to see some of MM's items available as rare rewards via a turnin quest similar to the anniversary tokens or dwarf memos. I think that would do a lot to relieve the pressure and intensity that seems to surround the loot.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2021
    Kagatob, Verdent, kai4785 and 4 others like this.
  10. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    I'm still curious what all Mayong can hand out as turn-in rewards. I suspect there's some cool undiscovered stuff out there.
    Cadsuane and Verdent like this.
  11. Smudge

    Smudge People Like Me

    In no way am I trying to be unappreciative of what you have done Inacht, nor the other officers that came up with this system. This is merely spitballing some ideas that could make the event more unique and challenging. I know I’d love the challenge of approaching this encounter with a smaller force.
  12. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    FWIW, NAG pals workshopped the kill times and loot rules with all the other guilds' officers well in advance of the anniversary event. All guilds' officers agreed, or at least were too lazy/apathetic to disagree, so disgruntled guilded folks should blame their own leederzzz
  13. Smudge

    Smudge People Like Me

  14. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Thank you for your planning of the serverwide fun times, it's great that everyone can participate.

    I feel it would improve enjoyment if some small adjustments were made on loot awarding.

    I think it would be beneficial to restrict dagger to rangers only. The many rangers that make it rain infinite dps have undeniably earned it. It's also far superior in ranger's hands, and it's rarity should promote making best use of it's power.

    Does anyone have objection to making dagger roll be for rangers only? If so, what is reason?

    I don't believe any other Mayong items need adjustments.

    Thanks for consideration.
  15. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Inacht has said no changes this year. So perhaps next year. Rogues should be on it though.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
  16. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    Rangers cant even shoot and use the dagger at the same time. Aren't they sacrificing dps everytime they use it instead of their bow? Enchanters are sitting there during most raids and could be stabbing away and this increases their dps...

    In all seriousness I do agree it's best for a ranger but I don't know if it's necessary to limit the classes who can win the dagger or any loot for at the event for that matter. There's not an item for each class or even close. Why not make the robe necro only? Fayze is a trendsetter but I would bet a ranger wins the next one.

    Soon this loot wont be near BIS and you will see more alts winning and people just showing up for fun. I doubt it's rotting soon but next year it wont stack up to other ranger weapons.

    I bring my ranger and roll only on the dagger but I wouldn't vote to bar other classes from winning it personally. Is it important enough to anyone to make that sort of decision? It's worth discussing at least. No one in the guild leadership forum thought to make the rule but if the majority of people think it's a good idea then I wouldn't be standing in anyone's way.

    I'm glad we have a fun event for the server to enjoy together. The devs make this all possible and without them working together we wouldn't be here. Our community is special and that's our best server bug (feature). Rather than racing or getting left out an agreed upon event by everyone seems more our style. This system gives everyone at raid level on the server the chance to attend 3 different planned clears of custom content. Plus it means he's up longer for people to try out the turn ins. It's an awesome precedent we have set and I look forward to more server wide raids, joint black-flagging, and other fun times with people outside of my immediate circle after the initial frenzy that will be the POP release.

    Thanks for everyone's patience and happy New Year. Here's to not losing sight of what's important in life. Cheers
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
    Dryfly and Sketchy like this.
  17. nworbetan

    nworbetan Member

    It seems pretty clear that the soul pricker is better on a ranger than on a warrior or rogue, since war and rog have specific types of weapon needs. But I also think putting it on a caster is being underrated. If 70hp/tic self healing is good on a class that can cast heal spells, then 70hp/tic is even better on a class that doesn't have any healing spells in their spellbook. Giving a character the ability to heal themself when they couldn't before is the very definition of a game changing item for that class.


    There's only one class listed on the soul pricker that can crit the nuke, crit the heal, and also have their focus effects steal and heal even more on every delicious proc. Necros already have drain soul in their spell book, and that lets the focus effects give necros the clear edge on being the best use for the dagger imo.
    actualspaide likes this.
  18. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    Silkies would spend all raid NOT hitting the boss with this
    dalidali and Linkamus like this.
  19. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Should add SK to the item
    nworbetan likes this.
  20. Yarnee

    Yarnee People Like Me

    I think you all need to calm down, it was a serverwide event, the loot was randomly awarded. Youre making the people who organized this resentful of putting in the effort. THis server thrives on sharing, the people complaining have way better weapons than this already and if not its going to be obsolete within months. Who cares, move on. I showed up just to enjoy raiding with the entire server, I had no hopes of actually winning anything I cant even remember if I rolled on anything. Youre taking what should be a memorable experience and getting salty about it. Sure, its a great weapon for a ranger, is enchanter the ideal class for it? no. but it was their choice they wanted it so they rolled, life isnt fair, deal with it. Half of the people who did win loot wont be playing here in 6months anyways, one of people who won loot years prior already main changed and never logged in that char again, the glowing sword went to an alt that im pretty sure doesnt even get played at raids, do i get salty about that stuff? no. who cares, its a 2 week event, if you reasonably wanted to make sure you got an item from mayong and it went to rotation you could be looking at 8-10 years from now.
    rainessa and actualspaide like this.
  21. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    Ranger archery is situational. Ranger melee is situational. I'd say I spend more time doing the latter, since I do a lot of 3-boxing where my ranger is tanking.

    From a ranger's perspective, the appeal of the dagger is for the most part, NOT the dps. It is the massive heal from the lifetap.

    When soloing, it increases the ranger's survivability by a lot.

    When grouping, it saves a lot of healer mana, and can make fighting unslowed mobs a bit easier, which is nice if you want your damage shield to do more work.

    Having more mana on a healer allows the healer to focus more on offensive things, which in a 3-box setup is very beneficial, and can speed things up by quite a bit.

    For the record, I'm not saying the dagger is useless on other classes, I'm simply just defending why it is SO useful on a ranger. If I'm not raiding, I almost always have it equipped in my primary.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
  22. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    Most of us have already been playing this game for 20 years, while still never acquiring certain items, so 10 years to acquire something doesn't seem that unreasonable! I'm half joking.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
    actualspaide likes this.
  23. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Sounds more and more like it breaks game balance by adding an ability to a class that never had it during this era. This is a lifetap with a base of 338. Another item that Rangers can use is the Acrylia Handled Broadsword. That lifetap is 100, its vastly smaller, from gear it was supposed to be closely tiered against. Sounds like it shouldn't have been so high to begin with to me.

    Is there anything in PoP that has a 300+ lifetap base? or better for Rangers?
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
    actualspaide likes this.
  24. Yarnee

    Yarnee People Like Me

    At christmas my mom does this thing with the grandkids that she calls the crying game, she buys a bunch of small gifts, like candy and stuff and wraps them up then everyone rolls a dice and that determines if you hand the gift to the left or the right then eventually everyone opens up the gift that it ends on, someone did something nice and youre all crying over nonsense
    actualspaide likes this.
  25. Smudge

    Smudge People Like Me

    In my defense, Tem officers are too afraid of that much gnome power present at raids so they bench him :(

    also everyone knows that sword is for sitting afk and looking pretty :rolleyes:
    Pithy likes this.
  26. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

  27. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    So then Rangers feening for this, will never go away.
  28. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    Maybe... But I think when a ranger has a timespinner and timeweaver at their disposal a few years from now, that mayong dagger will probably get banked forever. The dps of those time weapons are so superior that the lifetap probably isn't worth it at that point.
    Mokli likes this.
  29. kai4785

    kai4785 People Like Me

    It's a niche item, even for a ranger. I often go running around zones with war brd rog, and would happily take the heals over DPS in that scenario on the warrior. I'd be able to do tougher stuff with fewer breaks.
    Put warrior on the list.

    I think this kind of thinking is just gonna make things less clear. Keep it random.
  30. Sverder

    Sverder Well-Known Member

    Rangers want this for the situational proc. If it happens to be best in slot DPS now, it won't be for long (and isn't already if archery is an option). Long term rangers would be bagging this item except in niche situations where they want the extra healing. However, all other classes on this can/will also have niche situations where they'd want to use it.

    For a solo wiz,enc, or mag, there's no other form of healing besides bandages. Easy enough to use runes or whack on fleeing mobs to heal up when you'd have no other option to do so. Also good for duos/trios when no class can heal. It could add some DPS via procs on raid mobs, although casters all have some better DPS proc options.

    War/rog this would be good for the same reason it is for rangers. Yes, these classes are probably less likely to solo, but this dagger would be awesome for farming old world stuff where the heal covers the damage taken.

    Necro is amazing for for all the same reasons as ranger is. A great dagger for soloing summoning mobs via a mix of pet tanking and tap tanking.

    In short, best in slot for no one and all classes can benefit from the niche uses. Keep it as an open roll for anyone on the server wide raids. If MM is ever a guild kill in the future, they can make whatever rules they want. For now people should just be considerate. If you don't play in a way where the niche uses apply to you, then consider holding back roll for those who would benefit. There's lots of better stat sticks out there.