Selo`s Consonant Chain Selo`s Consonant Chain
Classes: Bard (23)
When cast on you: Your voice forges chains from chords.
When cast on other: Target is surrounded by chains of music.
When fading: The musical chains fade.
Spell Type: Detrimental
Cast Time: 3 seconds
Fizzle Adjust: 15
Pushback: 0.00
Spell Range: 150 units
Target: Single target
Resist: Magic (Adjust: 0)
Cast Time Restriction: None
Duration: 18 sec (3 ticks)
Spell Effects:
  1. 2: Decrease Movement by 53% (L23) to 95% (L-30)
  2. 3: Decrease Attack Speed by 16.5% (L23) to 37.5% (L95)
Items with this effect:
  1. Song: Selo`s Consonant Chain