Harvest Harvest
Classes: Wizard (34)
When cast on you: You gather mana from your surroundings.
When cast on other: Target gathers glowing blue strands of mana.
Mana Cost: 1
Spell Type: Beneficial
Cast Time: 10 seconds
Recovery Time: 2.25 seconds
Recast Time: 600 seconds
Pushback: 0.00
Target: Self only
Resist: None (Adjust: 0)
Cast Time Restriction: None
Duration: Instant
Spell Effects:
  1. 1: Increase Mana by 171 (L34) to 326 (L1) per tick (total 0 to 0)
  2. 2: Stun (10 sec)
Items with this effect:
  1. Spell: Harvest